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Cherish([ˈtʃerɪʃ])是一个英文名,寓意为“珍爱、珍惜、怀有深情”。 用法 Cherish可以作为一个动词,表示“珍爱、珍惜”;也可以作为一个名词,表示“宝贵的东西”。 例句 1. She cherished the necklace her grandmother gave her, wearing it every day as a reminder of her love.(她非常珍爱祖母送给她的项链,每天都戴着它,以此铭记她的爱。) 2. The couple cherished their time together, knowing that it was limited due to their busy schedules.(这对夫妇非常珍惜他们在一起的时间,因为他们的忙碌日程使得这段时间有限。) 3. As an artist, she cherished the freedom to express herself through her paintings.(作为一名艺术家,她非常珍视通过绘画来表达自己的自由。) 4. He cherished every moment spent with his beloved dog, knowing that their time together was precious and short-lived.(他非常珍惜和心爱的狗狗在一起的每一刻,因为他知道这段时间是宝贵而短暂的。) 5. The old man cherished his memories of his youth, often telling stories of his adventures to his grandchildren.(老人非常怀念他年轻时候的回忆,经常向孙子孙女讲述他的冒险故事。) 同义词及用法 1. Treasure([ˈtreʒər])是cherish的近义词,表示“珍爱、珍惜”。:“She treasured the pendant her mother gave her, wearing it every day as a reminder of her love.”(她非常珍爱母亲送给她的吊坠,每天都戴着它,以此铭记母亲的爱。) 2. Value([ˈvæljuː])也可以作为cherish的同义词,表示“重视、珍视”。:“He values his friendship with his childhood friend, cherishing the memories they shared together.”(他非常重视和童年朋友的友谊,珍惜他们一起分享的回忆。) 3. Adore([əˈdɔːr])是另一个与cherish意思相近的词语,表示“崇拜、热爱”。:“She adored her little sister, always taking care of her and protecting her from harm.”(她非常热爱她的小妹妹,总是照顾她并保护她免受伤害。) 编辑总结 Cherish是一个富有深情和温暖感觉的英文名,着对宝贵之物或人生活的珍爱和珍惜。它可以用来形容对物品、时间、回忆、关系等的重视和感激,也可以作为一个名字来赋予孩子们一种温馨的含义。在使用时,我们可以根据具体语境选择合适的同义词,以丰富表达方式。总之,Cherish是一个美好而有意义的英文名,在生活中也值得我们去体会和实践。



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