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['ˈkætəlɔːɡɪŋ'] n.编目,分类;v.编目录,分类 1. The process of organizing and listing items systematically for easy reference. 1. 地组织和列出项目以便于易于参考的过程。 2. Cataloguing is a time-consuming task, but it is essential for maintaining an organized and efficient system. 2. 编目是一项耗时的任务,但它对于保持有组织和高效的至关重要。 3. The librarian spent hours cataloguing the new books that had arrived at the library. 3. 图书管理员花了几个小时来编目图书馆新到的书籍。 4. The cataloguing of artifacts in the museum's collection is ongoing and constantly updated. 4. 博物馆藏品的编目工作正在进行中,并且不断更新。 5. Cataloguing can also refer to the creation of a list or database of information, such as a catalog of products or services. 5. 编目也可以指创建信息列表或数据库,产品或服务目录。 同义词及用法: 1. Indexing - the process of creating an alphabetical list or database for easy retrieval and reference 2. Categorizing - organizing items into specific groups or categories based on certain criteria 3. Classifying - grouping items according to their characteristics or attributes 4. Listing - creating a sequential list of items in a particular order 5. Organizing - arranging items in a structured manner for easy access and management 编辑总结: Cataloguing refers to the process of organizing and listing items systematically for easy reference, whether it be physical objects or information in a database. It is an essential task for maintaining an organized and efficient system, and can also refer to the creation of lists or databases for products or services. Other similar terms include indexing, categorizing, classifying, listing, and organizing.



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