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一:cap是什么意思怎么读的意思: cap是一个英语单词,可以作名词或动词使用。作名词时,它的意思是“帽子”、“盖子”、“帽状物”等;作动词时,它的意思是“戴上帽子”、“覆盖”、“结束”等。下面将为您介绍具体的解释。 二:怎么读(音标): cap的音标为/kæp/,发音时先发/k/音,然后发长元音/a/,最后发/p/音。 三:用法: 1. 名词用法: (1)指头上戴的覆盖物:He always wears a cap when he goes out.(他出门时总是戴着帽子。) (2)容器的盖子:Please put the cap back on the bottle.(请把瓶子盖上。) (3)象征权力或身份的头饰:The king's crown is made of gold and jewels.(国王戴着金光闪闪的皇冠。) 2. 动词用法: (1)戴上帽子:She capped her head with a scarf to keep warm.(她用围巾把头裹起来保暖。) (2)覆盖、封顶:The ceremony was capped by a speech from the president.(仪式以的讲话作为压轴。) (3)结束、达到顶峰:Her performance in the final game capped off a successful season.(她在最后一场比赛中的表现为成功的赛季画上了句号。) 四:例句1-5句且中英对照: 1. He took off his cap and scratched his head.(他摘下帽子,挠了挠头。) 2. The bottle has a screw cap, so it's easy to open.(这瓶子有螺旋盖,很容易打开。) 3. The students all stood up and threw their caps in the air to celebrate their graduation.(学生们都站起来,把帽子扔到空中庆祝毕业。) 4. She capped her pen with the lid before putting it back in her bag.(她把笔盖盖上,再放回包里。) 5. The team's victory was capped by a goal scored in the last minute of the game.(球队在比赛最后一分钟打进一球,锦上添花。) 五:同义词及用法: 1. 名词:hat、helmet、bonnet 2. 动词:cover、、finish 六:编辑总结: cap是一个常用的英语单词,可以作名词或动词使用,意思分别是“帽子”、“盖子”、“帽状物”和“戴上帽子”、“覆盖”、“结束”。它的用法丰富多样,可以指头上戴的覆盖物、容器的盖子、象征权力或身份的头饰等。同时,它也可以表示覆盖、封顶、结束或达到顶峰。同义词有hat、helmet、bonnet等名词,cover、、finish等动词。希望本文能帮您更好地理解和掌握cap这个单词。



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