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一:broker客源采集软件是真的吗的意思 broker客源采集软件是指一种通过互联网帮助经纪人或销售人员收集客户信息的软件。它可以帮助用户快速、高效地获取潜在客户信息,从而提升销售业绩。 二:怎么读(音标) /broker/ /ˈkliənt/ /ˌdʒenjəˈreɪtə/ 三:用法 broker客源采集软件主要用于房地产、保险、金融等行业的经纪人或销售人员。它可以帮助用户在互联网上搜索并筛选潜在客户信息,如姓名、方式、需求等,并将这些信息整理成表格或导入到其他软件中进行进一步的跟进和管理。 四:例句1-5句且中英对照 1. With the help of broker client generation software, real estate agents can easily find potential clients and increase their sales. 通过经纪人客户生成软件的帮助,房地产经纪人可以轻松找到潜在客户,从而提升销售业绩。 2. The insurance broker used client generation software to gather information about potential clients and tailor their services accordingly. 保险经纪人使用客户生成软件来收集潜在客户信息,并根据需求提供定制化服务。 3. The broker client generation software has greatly improved the efficiency of our sales team, as they no longer need to manually search for potential clients. 经纪人客户生成软件极大地提高了我们销售团队的效率,因为他们不再需要手动搜索潜在客户。 4. By using broker client generation software, financial advisors can easily reach out to potential clients and expand their customer base. 通过使用经纪人客户生成软件,理财顾问可以轻松接触潜在客户,并扩大他们的客户群。 5. The brokerage firm invested in a -notch client generation software to stay ahead of the competition and attract more clients. 该经纪公司投资了一款顶尖的客户生成软件,以保持领先优势并吸引更多客户。 五:同义词及用法 1. Client acquisition software: This refers to any software that helps businesses acquire new clients or customers. It can be used interchangeably with broker client generation software. 2. Lead generation software: This type of software focuses on generating leads or potential customers for a business. It can also be used in place of broker client generation software. 3. Prospecting software: This is another term for client acquisition or lead generation software, as it helps businesses prospect or search for potential clients. 六:编辑总结 broker客源采集软件是一种帮助经纪人或销售人员收集潜在客户信息的软件,它可以帮助用户快速、高效地获取客户信息,并提升销售业绩。它主要用于房地产、保险、金融等行业,可以帮助用户在互联网上搜索并筛选客户信息,并将其整理成表格或导入到其他软件中进行跟进和管理。与其同义词有client acquisition software、lead generation software和prospecting software。通过使用broker客源采集软件,用户可以轻松找到潜在客户,并提高销售效率,从而保持竞争优势。



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