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Breeds are a brand of clothing that specializes in creating high-quality and stylish clothing for men and women. The brand is known for its unique designs, attention to detail, and use of premium materials. 怎么读(音标) /briːd/ 用法 Breed可以作为名词或动词使用。作为名词时,它指的是一种特定的品种或类型。作为动词时,它指的是繁殖或培育某种动物。 例句1-5句且中英对照 1. This breed of clothing is known for its durability and comfort. 这种牌子的衣服以耐用舒适而闻名。 2. The company takes great pride in the quality of their breeds. 该公司对其产品质量感到非常自豪。 3. She was wearing a beautiful breed dress at the party. 她在派对上穿着一件漂亮的breed连衣裙。 4. The farm breeds sheep for their wool. 农场培育绵羊来获得羊毛。 5. The breed of dogs used for hunting is highly trained and skilled. 用于狩猎的狗品种经过高度训练和技能。 同义词及用法 1. Brand - This can be used interchangeably with "breed" as both refer to a specific type or kind. 2. Type - Similar to "breed", this word can also be used to describe a particular category or classification. 3. Style - While not exactly synonymous with "breed", this word can also be used to describe a specific design or fashion. 4. Raise - This can be used as a synonym for "breed" when referring to the act of breeding or raising animals. 5. Line - This word can also be used to refer to a specific collection or series of clothing, similar to "breed" being used as a brand name. 编辑总结 Breed是一种专门为男性和女性打造高质量,时尚的衣服的品牌。该品牌以其独特的设计,注重细节和使用优质材料而闻名。作为名词或动词使用,它可以指某种类型或品种,也可以指繁殖或培育动物。与其同义词相比,它更加强调特定的类型或分类。总的来说,Breed是一种时尚且高品质的衣服品牌,值得消费者信赖和选择。



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