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breastmilk storage bags什么意思

一:breastmilk storage bags的意思是母乳储存袋。 二:读音为 [ˈbrestmɪlk ˈstɔrɪdʒ bæɡz]。 三:这种袋子通常是用来储存母乳的,方便妈妈们在需要时随时取用。它们通常有密封功能,可以保持母乳的新鲜度,并且可以防止漏水和污染。 四: 1. I always make sure to have a few breastmilk storage bags in my diaper bag when I go out with my baby.(我每次带宝宝出门都会在尿布包里放几个母乳储存袋。) 2. These breastmilk storage bags are made of BPA-free material and are safe for storing breast milk.(这些母乳储存袋采用无BPA材料制作,安全可靠。) 3. It's important to label each breastmilk storage bag with the date and time it was pumped to ensure freshness and avoid confusion.(将每个母乳储存袋标上抽奶日期和时间十分重要,可以保证新鲜度并避免混淆。) 4. After pumping, pour the breast milk into a breastmilk storage bag and lay it flat in the freezer for easy storage.(抽完奶后,将母乳倒入母乳储存袋中,平放在冰箱里方便储存。) 5. These breastmilk storage bags are leak-proof and can be stored in the refrigerator or freezer.(这些母乳储存袋具有防漏功能,可以放在冰箱或冷冻室中保存。) 五:同义词及用法 1. Breastmilk pouches: 母乳袋,与breastmilk storage bags的用途相同。 2. Breastmilk containers: 母乳容器,也可以用来储存母乳。 3. Milk storage bags: 奶粉储存袋,可以用来储存母乳或奶粉。 4. Breast milk storage pouches: 母乳储存袋,与breastmilk storage bags的意思相同。 5. Breast milk freezer bags: 母乳冷冻袋,适合于将母乳放入冷冻室保存。 六:编辑总结 Breastmilk storage bags是一种方便妈妈们储存母乳的工具。它们通常具有密封功能,可以保持母乳的新鲜度,并且防止漏水和污染。使用时需要将每个袋子标上抽奶日期和时间,以确保新鲜度并避免混淆。除了breastmilk storage bags外,还有其他同义词如breastmilk pouches、breast milk storage pouches等,它们的用途和意思都相同。使用这些词汇可以帮助妈妈们更方便地储存母乳,并保证宝宝能够随时获得新鲜的母乳。

breastmilk storage bags什么意思


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