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[bɔːnd] 用法 动词,过去式 意思 出生的;生成的;开始 例句1 1. She was borned in a small village in the countryside. 她出生在一个小村庄里。 例句2 2. The idea of this project was borned from a casual conversation. 这个项目的想法是从一次随意的谈话中产生的。 例句3 3. The song was borned out of a deep feeling of love and longing. 这首歌是源自于对爱和渴望的深切感受。 例句4 4. The company was borned during a time of economic recession. 这家公司是在经济衰退期间成立的。 例句5 5. The new policy was borned out of the need for change and progress. 新是为了改变和进步而产生的。 同义词及用法 1. Beget (v.) - to cause or bring about something; to give rise to something. Example: His actions begetted a lot of controversy and criticism. 2. Generate (v.) - to produce or create something; to bring into existence. Example: This machine is designed to generate electricity. 3. Originate (v.) - to come into existence; to have its beginning in something else. Example: This theory originated from his research findings. 4. Spawn (v.) - to produce or generate offspring; to give rise to something new. Example: This new technology has spawned many innovative products. 编辑总结 Borned 是一个动词,它可以表示出生、生成或开始。它的过去式形式是 borned,读音为 [bɔːnd]。它可以用来描述人类的出生、新事物的产生、想法的形成等。同义词包括 beget、generate、originate 和 spawn,它们都可以表示产生或引起某种结果。在使用时,需要注意 borned 是过去式形式,因此通常用于过去发生的事情。



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