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意思:在某人或某物的后面或背后,与之相反的位置。 怎么读(音标):bɪˈhaɪnd 用法:作为一个副词,表示在某人或某物的后面或背后。也可作为一个介词,表示在某事物的背后。 例句1:He stood behind the door and waited for her to come in.(他站在门后等着她进来。) 例句2:The truth behind the rumors was finally revealed.(谣言背后的终于被揭露。) 例句3:I always feel like someone is following me from behind.(我总是感觉有人从身后跟着我。) 例句4:The students were all sitting behind their desks, listening attentively to the teacher.(学生们都坐在课桌后面,认真听老师讲课。) 例句5:She was always one step behind her classmates in terms of academic performance.(她的学习成绩总是落后于同学们一步。) 同义词及用法: 1. After: 在……之后,在……以后 例句:After the meeting, we went out for dinner together.(结束后,我们一起出去吃晚餐。) 2. Beyond: 在……之外,在……远处 例句:The village lies beyond the mountains, it takes us two hours to get there by car.(那个村庄在山的那边,开车要花两个小时才能到达。) 3. Following: 在……之后,在……后面 例句:Following the instructions, she successfully assembled the furniture.(按照说明书,她成功地组装了家具。) 4. Underneath: 在……下面,在……底下 例句:The key is underneath the doormat.(钥匙放在门垫下面。) 5. Rear: 在……后面,在……背后 例句:The car parked in the rear of the building belongs to my boss.(停在建筑物后面的那辆车是我老板的。) 编辑总结: behind反义短语是描述某人或某物在背后或者相反位置的词语,可以作为副词或介词使用。同义词包括after、beyond、following、underneath和rear等,用法类似但含义略有不同。编辑建议使用时根据具体语境选择合适的反义短语,避免重复使用同一词语,使文章更加生动有趣。



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