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be stuck for

/bi stʌk fɔː(r)/ 用法:be stuck for是一个英语短语,意思是“缺少”或“无法得到”。它通常用于描述某人需要某物,但无法获得的情况。 例句: 1. She was stuck for ideas on what to cook for dinner. 她不知道晚饭要做什么。 2. He was stuck for cash and couldn't afford to buy a new car. 他缺钱,买不起新车。 3. I'm stuck for time, so I won't be able to help you with your project. 我时间很紧,所以帮不了你完成项目。 4. The company is stuck for resources and may have to cut some jobs. 公司缺少资源,可能不得不裁员。 5. They were stuck for a place to stay, so they ended up sleeping in their car. 他们找不到住处,最后只能在车里睡觉。 同义词及用法:be short of、lack、run out of 同义词be short of意为“缺少”,常用于描述某物的数量不足。: - We're short of milk, can you go buy some? 我们牛奶不够了,你能去买一些吗? - The team is short of players due to injuries. 由于伤病,球队缺少球员。 同义词lack意为“缺乏”,强调某物的缺失。: - He lacks the necessary experience for this job. 他缺乏这份工作所需的经验。 - The company's lack of innovation has led to a decline in profits. 公司缺乏创新导致利润下降。 同义词run out of意为“用完了”,常用于描述某物的数量已经耗尽。: - We've run out of milk, can you go buy some more? 我们的牛奶用完了,你能再去买一些吗? - The store ran out of stock for the popular item. 这家商店的热门商品已经卖光了。 编辑总结:be stuck for是一个常用的英语短语,意思是“缺少”或“无法得到”。它可以用来描述某人需要某物,但无法获得的情况。在写作中,我们可以使用它来替换其他同义词,以避免重复使用相同的词汇。同时,我们也可以使用它来描述自己或他人所面临的困境或挑战。

be stuck for


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