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/'bæzəl/ noun. 1. basil: (n.) a fragrant herb with oval leaves, used in cooking and often as a seasoning for tomato dishes or sauces. 1. basil: (n.)一种具有椭圆形叶子的芳香草本植物,常用于烹饪,也经常被用作番茄菜肴或酱料的调味品。 2. Basil is commonly used in Mediterranean cuisine, particularly in Italian dishes such as pesto sauce and caprese salad. 2. 罗勒通常被用于地中海美食,特别是意大利菜肴,如香蒜青酱和卡普里塞沙拉。 3. This herb is also known for its medicinal properties and is used in traditional medicine to treat various ailments. 3. 这种草药也以其药用价值而闻名,并被用于传统医学中治疗各种疾病。 4. Basil can be grown at home in a pot or planted in a garden, making it easily accessible for cooking purposes. 4. 罗勒可以在家中盆栽或种在花园中,使其在烹饪时更容易获取。 5. The word "basil" comes from the Greek word "basileus" meaning "king," alluding to its royal aroma and flavor. 5. “罗勒”一词源自希腊语单词“basileus”,意为“国王”,暗指其皇家的香气和味道。 Synonyms: sweet basil, common basil, Genovese basil 同义词:甘草罗勒,普通罗勒,热那亚罗勒 Editor's Summary: Basil is a versatile herb commonly used in cooking and traditional medicine. Its fragrant leaves add flavor to various dishes and its medicinal properties make it a valuable ingredient. Whether grown at home or purchased at a store, basil is easily accessible and adds a touch of royalty to any meal.



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