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banana republic是什么档次

一:banana republic是什么档次的意思 banana republic是指一个、经济依赖外国、贫穷落后的。这个词源于美国作家奥·亨利在1904年发表的小说《Cabbages and Kings》中,用来形容拉丁美洲某些、经济依赖美国的现状。后来,这个词也被用来形容其他类似情况的。 二:怎么读(音标) banana republic [bəˈnænə rɪˈpʌblɪk] 三:用法 这个词通常作为名词使用,指代那些、经济落后、贫穷不堪的。它也可以用来形容某个地区或者组织具有类似特征的情况。 四:例句1-5句且中英对照 1. The country was once a prosperous nation, but now it has become a banana republic due to years of political corruption and economic mismanagement. 这个曾经是一个富裕的,但是由于多年来的和经济管理不善,它已经变成了一个落后贫穷的香蕉共和国。 2. The dictator's family has been ruling this banana republic for decades, exploiting its resources and oppressing its people. 这个者的家族已经这个香蕉共和国几十年,剥削它的资源并压迫它的人民。 3. The international community has criticized the government for turning a blind eye to the growing corruption in this banana republic. 国际社会批评这个对这个香蕉共和国日益增长的问题视而不见。 4. The country's economy is heavily dependent on foreign aid and investment, making it a typical banana republic. 这个的经济严重依赖外国援助和投资,使其成为一个典型的香蕉共和国。 5. The opposition party has promised to fight against corruption and rebuild the country's economy, in an effort to prevent it from becoming a banana republic. 反对党承诺要打击,重建经济,以防止它成为一个香蕉共和国。 五:同义词及用法 1. Kleptocracy: a government or state in which those in power exploit national resources and steal money for their personal gain. Example: The country's ruling elite has turned it into a kleptocracy, draining its resources and leaving its people in poverty. 2. Failed state: a nation that has been unable to provide basic services and maintain control over its territory due to political instability or other factors. Example: After years of civil war, the country has become a failed state with no functioning government. 3. Puppet state: a government that is controlled by another country or organization, and serves its interests rather than those of its own people. Example: The small country is often seen as a puppet state of its larger neighbor, with no real autonomy. 4. Third world country: a developing or underdeveloped nation with a low standard of living and an economy heavily reliant on agriculture. Example: Despite being rich in natural resources, the country remains a third world country with high levels of poverty and unemployment. 5. Corrupt regime: a government that is characterized by dishonesty, bribery, and misuse of power for personal gain. Example: The international community has imposed sanctions on the corrupt regime in an effort to bring about political change. 六:编辑总结 banana republic这个词虽然起源于美国作家的小说,但现在已经被广泛用来形容那些、经济依赖外国、贫穷落后的。它也可以用来形容某个地区或者组织具有类似特征的情况。这个词在英语中已经成为一个固定搭配,具有贬义含义。如果要使用它,需要注意上下文和语境,避免引起误解。

banana republic是什么档次


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