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一:authoritative和authoritarian的区别的意思 authoritative是指权威性强、可靠的,通常用来形容人或者事物具有专业知识、经验丰富,值得信赖的。而authoritarian则是指权力集中在一个人或者少数人手中,强调对下属的严格和命令式管理。 二:怎么读(音标) authoritative [əˈθɔːrətətɪv] authoritarian [əˌθɔːrəˈteəriən] 三:用法 1. authoritative作为形容词,常用来修饰专业性强、可靠的事物或者人。: - The book is considered as the most authoritative source on the subject. (这本书被认为是关于这个主题最权威的来源。) - She is an authoritative figure in the field of medicine. (她是医学领域的权威人物。) 2. authoritarian作为形容词,常用来描述某个组织、或者领导者具有、专制的特征。: - The country has been under authoritarian rule for decades. (这个已经被了几十年。) - The company's management style is very authoritarian, which often leads to conflicts with employees. (这家公司的管理风格非常专制,经常会与员工产生。) 四:例句1-5句且中英对照 1. The professor's authoritative tone and extensive knowledge impressed the students. (教授权威的语调和丰富的知识给学生留下了深刻的印象。) 2. The authoritative report on climate change has been widely accepted by the scientific community. (关于气候变化的权威报告已经被科学界广泛接受。) 3. The authoritarian leader demanded absolute obedience from his subordinates. (专制的领导者要求下属绝对服从。) 4. The country's authoritarian government has been criticized for its human rights violations. (这个专制的因为侵犯人权而受到批评。) 5. She was raised in an authoritarian family where her parents controlled every aspect of her life. (她在一个专制的家庭中长大,父母着她生活的方方面面。) 五:同义词及用法 1. authoritative的同义词包括:reliable、trustworthy、expert、credible等,用来形容具有可靠性和专业性强的事物或者人。 2. authoritarian的同义词包括:dictatorial、autocratic、tyrannical等,用来形容具有和专制特征的体系或者领导者。 六:编辑总结 authoritative和authoritarian是两个常被混淆的词,它们的区别在于前者强调权威性和可靠性,后者强调权力集中和严格。在使用时需要根据语境选择合适的词汇,避免混淆。



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