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一:atmosphere怎么读?的意思 Atmosphere是一个英文单词,读作/ˈæt.mə.sfɪr/,意为“大气层;气氛;环境”。 二:怎么读(音标) Atmosphere的音标为/ˈæt.mə.sfɪr/。 三:用法 1. Atmosphere作为名词时,可表示“大气层”,也可指“某种特定的环境或气氛”。 2. Atmosphere也可以用来修饰其他名词,如atmospheric pressure(大气压力)、atmospheric pollution(大气污染)等。 四:例句1-5句且中英对照 1. The Earth's atmosphere is composed of various gases, such as nitrogen and oxygen. (地球的大气层由多种气体组成,如氮和氧。) 2. The atmosphere in the office was tense as everyone waited for the boss's decision. (办公室里的氛围紧张,每个人都在等待老板的决定。) 3. The restaurant has a cozy atmosphere, perfect for a romantic dinner. (这家餐厅有着温馨的氛围,非常适合浪漫晚餐。) 4. The atmospheric conditions were not ideal for a picnic, so we decided to stay indoors. (天气条件不适合野餐,所以我们决定呆在室内。) 5. The movie successfully created a suspenseful atmosphere that kept the audience on the edge of their seats. (这部电影成功营造了一种悬疑的氛围,让观众紧张不安地坐在座位上。) 五:同义词及用法 1. Mood:指“某种情绪或感觉状态”,与atmosphere的用法类似,但更偏向于个人感受。 例句:The party had a lively mood, with everyone dancing and laughing. (派对气氛热闹,每个人都在跳舞和笑。) 2. Environment:指“周围的自然或社会条件”,与atmosphere的用法相似,但更强调外部因素。 例句:The company is committed to creating a green environment for its employees. (公司致力于为员工打造一个绿色环境。) 3. Ambiance:指“某种特定场所的气氛或环境”,通常用来形容餐厅、酒店等场所。 例句:The ambiance of the café was warm and inviting, making it the perfect place to relax and enjoy a cup of coffee. (咖啡厅的氛围温馨吸引人,是放松和品尝一杯咖啡的理想场所。) 六:编辑总结 Atmosphere是一个多义词,在不同语境下有着不同的含义。作为一个网络词典编辑翻译人员,我们需要根据具体的语境来确定其意思,并选择合适的同义词来丰富文章内容。同时,要注意正确使用音标和例句,让读者更容易理解和掌握这个单词。



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