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asserted that

[ə'sɜːrtɪd ðæt] 释义:断言 读音:ə'sɜːrtɪd ðæt 用法:动词短语,表示强烈地或肯定地说出某件事情。 例句1:He asserted that he was innocent and demanded to be released immediately.(他断言自己是无辜的,并要求立即获释。) 例句2:The professor asserted that the theory was flawed and needed to be revised.(教授断言这个理论有缺陷,需要修订。) 例句3:The company's spokesperson asserted that the product was safe for use.(公司断言该产品安全可用。) 例句4:She asserted that she had the right to speak her mind.(她断言自己有权利说出自己的想法。) 例句5:He asserted that he would not back down from his position.(他断言不会改变自己的立场。) 同义词及用法:claim, declare, maintain, state等均可表示“断言”的意思。 编辑总结:asserted that是一种强烈表达观点或主张的方式,常见于正式场合或辩论中。使用时需要注意语气和措辞,避免过于武断和。

asserted that


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