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英 [ˈɑːmtʃeə(r)] 美 [ˈɑːrtʃer] 用法:名词 1. 指一种有扶手、靠背、躺椅等的舒适的坐具,多用于休息和阅读。 Armchair is a comfortable seat with armrests, a back, and sometimes wheels, which you can move easily from one place to another. It is often used for relaxing or reading. 例句: 1. He was sitting in an armchair reading a newspaper. 他坐在扶手椅里看报纸。 2. She likes to sit in her armchair and watch TV. 她喜欢坐在躺椅上看电视。 3. The old man spent most of his day sitting in his armchair by the window. 老部分时间都是坐在窗边的扶手椅上度过的。 4. She bought a new armchair for her living room. 她为客厅买了一把新的躺椅。 5. I love this big, cozy armchair in the corner of the room. 我喜欢房间角落里这把大而舒适的躺椅。 同义词及用法: sofa:指一种长而软的座位,可以容纳多人。它通常没有扶手和靠背。 couch:指一种长而软的座位,可以容纳两人。它通常有扶手和靠背。 chair:指一种没有扶手和靠背的座位,通常用于餐桌旁或办公桌前。 recliner:指一种可以倾斜的座椅,可以放松身体。它通常有脚踏板和可调节的靠背。 编辑总结: armchair是一种舒适的坐具,多用于休息和阅读。它有扶手、靠背和躺椅等特点,使人可以更加轻松地放松身心。与其他类似的家具相比,如sofa、couch、chair和recliner等,armchair在形状、功能和用途上都有所不同。因此,在选择家具时,我们应该根据自己的需求来选择最合适的坐具。



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