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appearance是一个英文单词,意思是外表、外观、出现、露面。 怎么读(音标) [əˈpɪərəns] 用法 1. 名词,表示某人或某物的外表或外观。 2. 名词,表示某人或某物的出现或露面。 3. 动词,表示某人或某物出现或露面。 例句1-5句且中英对照 1. Her appearance at the party was a surprise to everyone. (她在派对上的出现让所有人都感到惊讶。) 2. The appearance of the new model caused quite a stir in the fashion industry. (这款新模特的外表在时尚界引起了轰动。) 3. He made his first public appearance after the scandal broke out. (在丑闻曝光后,他第一次公开露面。) 4. The magician's sudden appearance on stage amazed the audience. (魔术师突然出现在舞台上让观众惊讶不已。) 5. The appearance of dark clouds signaled an incoming storm. (乌云的出现预示着即将来临的暴风雨。) 同义词及用法 1. Aspect:名词,指某人或某物从特定角度看起来的样子。 例句:From this aspect, she looks very different from her sister. 2. Look:名词,指某人或某物的外表或外观。 例句:His new haircut gives him a more mature look. 3. Presence:名词,指某人或某物的存在、出现或露面。 例句:His presence at the meeting was crucial for the decision-making process. 4. Image:名词,指某人或某物的形象、外表。 例句:The company is trying to improve its public image by hiring a famous spokesperson. 5. Visage:名词,指某人的脸部特征或外貌。 例句:She has a beautiful visage that makes her stand out in a crowd. 编辑总结 appearance是一个常用的英文单词,可以表示外表、外观、出现、露面等含义。在日常生活中,我们经常用到这个词来描述人或物体的外观特征,也可以用来表示某人或某物的出现。除了appearance之外,还有一些同义词如aspect、look、presence等也可以用来表达类似的意思。在写作时,我们可以根据具体语境来选择合适的词汇来替换appearance,从而使文章更加精准和生动。



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