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意思:类似的,相似的,模拟的 怎么读(音标):[ˈænəlɔg] 用法: 1.作形容词,表示与某物相似或类似。 2.作名词,指代类似或相似的事物。 例句1-5句且中英对照: 1. The new device is an analog of the old one, but with improved features. 这个新设备是旧设备的模拟品,但功能更加完善。 2. As an analog to the human brain, artificial intelligence has been a hot ic in recent years. 作为人类大脑的类比,人工智能近年来一直是热门话题。 3. The company's business model is an analog of its compe's, but with some unique twists. 该公司的商业模式与其竞争对手相似,但有一些独特之处。 4. The digital version of the book is an analog to the physical copy, but with added interactive elements. 这本书的数字版是实体书的模拟品,但增加了互动元素。 5. In biology, there are many analogs between different species that share similar traits. 在生物学中,存在许多不同物种之间共享相似特征的类比。 同义词及用法: 1. Similar: 作形容词时与analog意思相近,但强调程度更浅。:“The two paintings are similar in style.” 2. Equivalent: 作形容词时意为“相等的”,作名词时意为“等值物”。:“The two currencies are equivalent in value.” “The digital version is the equivalent of the physical copy.” 3. Corresponding: 作形容词时意为“相应的”,作名词时意为“对应物”。:“The corresponding chapters in the two books cover the same ics.” 编辑总结: Analog一词常用于比较不同事物之间的相似性,既可以作形容词也可以作名词。在科技领域,analog也有特定的含义,指代模拟信号或设备。在写作中,可以灵活运用同义词来丰富表达,但要注意使用场景和语境。



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