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agora video call

[əˈɡɔːrə ˈvɪdiəʊ kɔːl] Agora video call is a real-time video communication service provided by Agora.io. It allows users to make video calls with high-quality audio and video transmission over the internet. 用法:Agora video call是一个实时视频通信服务,由Agora.io提供。它允许用户通过互联网进行高质量的音视频传输,实现视频通话。 例句1:We had an important meeting with our overseas colleagues through Agora video call. 我们通过Agora视频通话与海外同事进行了重要的。 例句2:My grandparents are not very tech-savvy, but they can easily use Agora video call to talk to me and see their great-grandchildren. 我的祖父母不太懂科技,但他们可以轻松使用Agora视频通话与我交谈,并看到他们的曾孙。 例句3:The company uses Agora video call for remote job interviews, which has greatly improved the efficiency of the recruitment process. 公司使用Agora视频通话进行远程面试,这极大地提高了招聘流程的效率。 例句4:I was able to attend my friend's wedding virtually through Agora video call, even though I couldn't be there in person. 我通过Agora视频通话虚拟参加了朋友的婚礼,尽管我无法亲自到场。 例句5:During the pandemic, Agora video call has become an essential tool for businesses and individuals to stay connected and work remotely. 在期间,Agora视频通话已成为企业和个人保持和远程工作的必备工具。 同义词及用法:Agora video call与其他实时视频通信服务相比,具有更高的稳定性和更低的延迟。它也可以被称为Agora视频聊天或Agora视频。除了个人使用外,它也被广泛应用于在线教育、远程医疗、社交媒体等领域。 编辑总结:Agora video call是一种高质量的实时视频通信服务,能够通过互联网连接用户并实现视频通话。它在各种场景下都发挥着重要作用,帮助人们保持、提高工作效率和享受便利的虚拟交流体验。

agora video call


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