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一:affiliated的中文意思是“附属的”、“隶属的”。 二:怎么读(音标):[ə'fɪlɪeɪtɪd] 三:用法:affiliated作为形容词,表示某个组织或与另一个组织或有关联关系,是其下属或从属关系。也可以作为动词,表示加入、加盟、使联合等意思。 四:例句1-5句且中英对照: 1. The company is affiliated with a well-known international brand. (这家公司与一家知名国际品牌有关联。) 2. The college is affiliated with several universities, providing students with more opportunities for further education. (这所大学与几所大学有关联,为学生提供更多的深造机会。) 3. She decided to affiliate herself with the local charity organization and do some volunteer work. (她决定加入当地的慈善组织,并做些志愿工作。) 4. The two companies have been affiliated since the merger last year. (自从去年合并以来,这两家公司就已经成为附属公司。) 5. Our school is affiliated with a hospital, providing students with practical training opportunities in the medical field. (我们学校与一家医院有关联,为学生提供在医疗领域实践培训的机会。) 五:同义词及用法:related, connected, associated, joined都可以作为affiliated的同义词。: 1. The two companies are closely related and often collaborate on projects together. (这两家公司关系密切,经常一起合作项目。) 2. The museum is connected with the local historical society, sharing resources and holding joint events. (这家博物馆与当地历史学会有关联,共享资源并举办联合活动。) 3. Our organization is associated with several NGOs in the region, working together to promote environmental protection. (我们的组织与该地区的几个非组织有关联,共同致力于推进环境保护。) 4. The two countries are joined by a long history of cultural exchange and trade. (这两个因为长期的文化交流和贸易而在一起。) 六:编辑总结:affiliated是一个常用的词汇,可以用来描述组织、、公司等之间的关系,也可以用来表示加入或加盟某个团体或组织。在写作中,可以根据具体语境选择使用作为形容词还是动词,并且需要注意搭配合理的名词,避免使用不当的同义词造成歧义。



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