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absence claim

[ˈæbsəns kleɪm] 名词(countable and uncountable) 1. 完全缺席的要求;缺席申请 2. 缺席理由;缺席证明 用法: absence claim指的是一份正式的要求,通常是书面形式,要求某人免除出席某项活动或的责任。它也可以指缺席时提供的理由或证明。这个词组通常用于法律、商务或学术场合。 例句: 1. The defendant's lawyer filed an absence claim, stating that his client was unable to attend the trial due to illness. 被告律师提出了一份缺席申请,称他的客户因病无法出庭参加审判。 2. Please submit your absence claim at least one week before the conference. 请在前至少一周提交您的缺席申请。 3. The student provided a valid absence claim for missing the exam, so she was allowed to take a makeup test. 这位学生提供了一个有效的缺席理由来解释她缺考,所以她被允许参加补考。 4. The company requires all employees to provide an absence claim for any days they are not present at work. 公司要求所有员工在不在工作岗位上时都必须提供一份缺席证明。 5. The professor rejected the student's absence claim, stating that attending a concert was not a valid reason for missing class. 教授拒绝了学生的缺席理由,称参加音乐会并不是缺席上课的合理理由。 同义词及用法: 1. Absenteeism(n.):缺勤;旷课 - The company has a strict policy against absenteeism and will not tolerate any unexcused absences. 公司对旷工有严格的规定,不会容忍任何无故缺勤。 2. Excuse(n./v.):借口;原谅 - He had a valid excuse for being late to work, as his car broke down on the way. 他迟到有一个合理的借口,因为他的车在路上抛锚了。 - She excused herself from the meeting due to a family emergency. 她因家庭紧急情况向请假。 3. Justification(n.):辩解;正当理由 - The employee's justification for his absence was that he had to take care of his sick child. 员工缺勤的正当理由是他要照顾生病的孩子。 4. Explanation(n.):解释;说明 - The teacher asked for an explanation from the student for his absence from class. 老师要求学生解释他为什么缺席上课。 5. Alibi(n./v.):不在场证明;给……编造不在场证明 - The suspect had a strong alibi for the time of the crime and was proven innocent. 嫌疑人有强有力的不在场证明,被证明无罪。 - The witness claimed that he was alibied by his friends, who said he was with them at the time of the incident. 证人声称他的朋友给他编造了不在场证明,称他们当时和他在一起。 编辑总结: absence claim指的是一份要求免除出席某项活动或责任的正式申请,也可以指缺席时提供的理由或证明。它通常用于法律、商务或学术场合。同义词包括absenteeism、excuse、justification、explanation和alibi。使用时需要注意语境,避免误用。

absence claim


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