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['ɑː'] noun. a cry of joy, satisfaction, or relief 1. “Aah” is an interjection that is used to express joy, satisfaction, or relief. “啊”是一个感叹词,用来表达喜悦、满意或放松。 2. When something good happens unexpectedly, you can say “aah” to express your surprise and happiness. 当一些好事情突然发生时,你可以说“啊”来表达你的惊讶和快乐。 3. The sound of “aah” is often used in cartoons to represent a character's expression of relief or satisfaction. “啊”的声音经常被用在卡通片中,角色的放松或满意的表情。 4. The word “aah” can also be used as a verb meaning to exclaim or utter with pleasure or satisfaction. 单词“啊”也可以作为一个动词,意思是以愉快或满意的心情大声喊出或说出。 5. Synonyms for “aah” include “wow”, “yay”, and “hooray”. These words can also be used to express joy, satisfaction, or relief. “啊”的同义词包括“哇”,“耶”,和“”。这些词也可以用来表达喜悦、满意或放松的心情。 Editor's Summary: 编辑总结: In conclusion, "aah" is an interjection that expresses joy, satisfaction, or relief. It can be used as both a noun and a verb in various contexts. Other words such as "wow", "yay", and "hooray" can be used as synonyms for "aah". This word is commonly used in cartoons to represent a character's expression of relief or satisfaction. Remember to use it appropriately in your conversations to convey your emotions effectively.



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