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意思:指适合40岁到50岁男性的最新发型。 怎么读(音标):[fɔːti-sɪks tuː fɪfti-sɪks jər mæn ˈhaɪstəlz njuː ˈhæəst] 用法:通常用于时尚杂志、美发杂志等相关文章中,介绍适合40岁到50岁男性的最新发型。 例句1:As men age, their hair also changes. The latest hairstyles for 40 to 50-year-old men can help them look stylish and confident.(随着年龄的增长,男性的头发也会发生变化。最新的40至50岁男士发型可以帮助他们看起来时尚自信。) 例句2:Are you looking for a new hairstyle to match your age? Check out these latest hairstyles for men in their 40s and 50s.(你想要一款与你年龄相符的新发型吗?来看看这些适合40至50岁男士的最新发型吧。) 例句3:The latest hairstyles for men in their 40s and 50s are all about embracing the natural texture and working with it.(最新的40至50岁男士发型都是关于拥抱自然质地并与之搭配。) 例句4:Gone are the days when older men were limited to traditional short haircuts. These latest hairstyles for 40 to 50-year-old men are all about versatility and individuality.(过去,老年男性只能选择传统的短发发型。现在,这些适合40至50岁男士的最新发型都强调多样性和个性化。) 例句5:With the right haircut, men in their 40s and 50s can still look youthful and stylish. These latest hairstyles are proof of that.(凭借合适的发型,40至50岁男士仍然可以看起来年轻时尚。这些最新发型就是证明。) 同义词及用法:适合40岁到50岁男性的其他同义词包括“中年男士发型”、“成熟男士发型”、“中年人发型”等。 编辑总结:随着时代的变迁,男性也越来越注重自己的外表与形象。这些最新的40至50岁男士发型为他们提供了更多选择,让他们在保持成熟稳重的同时也能展现自己的时尚品味。



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