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Hedy Lamarr  海蒂·拉玛 Hedy Lamarr was born Hedwig Eva Naria Kiesler in 1914 in Vienna, Austria. By the time she was a  teenager , she  had  decided to  drop  out of  school   and  seek  fame as an actress.  赫迪·拉马尔1914年生于奥地利,维也纳,海德维格·伊娃·纳里亚·基斯勒。 在她十几岁的时候,她已经决定辍学,并作为一名演员寻求名声。 seek fame:追求名利;求名 She first  appeared  in a German  film  in 1930. She was attractive and talented enough to be in three more films in 1931, but it was  her controversial film 'Ecstasy' that brought her worldwide fame as an actress. controversial英 [ˌkɒntrəˈvɜ:ʃl]  美 [ˌkɑ:ntrəˈvɜ:rʃl]  adj.有争议的,引起争议的,被争论的;好争论的 Ecstasy:[电影]入谜  这里是她出演的电影片名 ecstasy英[ˈekstəsi] 美[ˈɛkstəsi] n.狂喜; 出神,忘形; 无法自控的情绪; 迷幻药; In 1937 she  fled  from her country and secretly moved to Hollywood, where she  reinvented  herself.  1937年,她逃离自己的国家,秘密搬到好莱坞,在那里她进行了自我改造。 fled 英 [fled]  美 [flɛd]  v.逃走,逃掉( flee的过去式和过去分词 );逃离,逃避 reinvent:英 [ˌri:ɪnˈvent]  美 [ˌriɪnˈvɛnt]  vt.(在不知他人已发明的情况下)重复发明,彻底改造,重新使用 She changed her name to Hedy Lamarr, with the nick name 'the most beautiful woman in films'.  However, Lamarr  defied  the leading-lady stereotype by also  pursuing  an interest in mathematics and engineering. 然而,拉马挑战了女主角的成见,同时也追求对数学和工程学的兴趣。 defied v.蔑视;公然反抗;不服从( defy的过去式和过去分词 );向…挑战 stereotype 英 [ˈsteriətaɪp]  美 [ˈstɛriəˌtaɪp, ˈstɪr-]  n .刻板印象 ,陈规旧习,旧规矩;固定的形式;铅版;铅版制版法,铅板印刷 pursue 英 [pəˈsju:]  美 [pərˈsu:]  vt.追求;继续;追捕;进行 vi.追,追赶;继续进行  She soon took  up  inventing.   她很快就开始发明了。 take up: 英 [teik ʌp]  美 [tek ʌp]  占用;开始从事;接受(提议) Her earliest inventions included an  improved  traffic stoplight and a tablet that would  dissolve  in water to create a carbonate d drink. 她最早的发明包括一个改进的交通信号灯和一个可以溶解在水中形成碳酸饮料的药片。 stoplight   英 ['stɒpˌlɑɪt]  美 [ˈstɑpˌlaɪt]  n.红绿灯;交通信号灯;(车辆的)后灯,尾灯 tablet   英 [ˈtæblət]  美 [ˈtæblɪt]  n.药片;碑,匾;便笺簿;小块 dissolve  英 [dɪˈzɒlv]  美 [dɪˈzɑ:lv]  vt.使溶解;使(固态物)溶解为液体,使液化;使消失,使消逝,消除;使终止 vi.溶解;融化,液化;解散,散去;分裂,分解 carbonate   英 [ˈkɑ:bəneɪt]  美 [ˈkɑ:rbənət]  n.碳酸盐 With the ongoing World War, Lamarr was inspired to contribute the war effort. She designed a radio guidance system for torpedoes.  她为鱼雷设计了无线电制导系统。torpedo英 [tɔ:ˈpi:dəʊ]  美 [tɔ:rˈpi:doʊ]  n.鱼雷;油井爆破筒;[鱼]电鯆;职业杀手 With the help of composer George Antheil, whom she met in 1940, she discovered a way to break up signals and transmit them over different frequencies.  在1940年结识的作曲家乔治·安塞尔的帮助下,她发现了一种分解信号并通过不同频率传输信号的方法。 composer 英 [kəmˈpəʊzə(r)]  美 [kəmˈpoʊzə(r)]  n.(尤指古典音乐)作曲家;调停人;设计者 Using a method similar to the way player piano work, they designed a frequency-hopping system that would continually change the radio signals sent to a torpedo.  frequency-hopping:跳频 While others, including Nikola Tesla, had explored similar ideas of frequency hopping, Lamarr and Antheil obtained a patent for their invention in 1942 for what would become known as spread-spectrum technology. patent 英 [ˈpætnt]  美 [ˈpætnt]  n.专利;专利权;专利品;专利证 adj.专利的;显然,显露;明摆着的 vt.获得…专利,给予…专利权;取得专利权 spread-spectrum 英 [sp'redsp'ektrəm]  美 [sp'redsp'ektrəm]  扩展频谱 Although the US Navy did not adopt the technology during the war, it was used during the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962. For decades Lamarr’s technology remained behind the scenes, but ultimately it led to the creation of today’s spread-spectrum communication technology, such as Wi-Fi networks, mobile phones, GPS and Bluetooth technologies. ultimately 英 [ˈʌltɪmətli]  美 [ˈʌltəmɪtli]  adv.根本;最后,最终;基本上;郅 Lamarr and Antheil eventually received several awards for their lifetime creative achievements that contributed so much to society. They were inducted into the national investors Hall of Fame in 2014, after her death in 2000. inducted v.使正式就任( induct的过去式和过去分词 ) Hall of Fame 名人纪念馆,(某一行业的)出类拔萃的人物(集团) the unusual career of a famous actress She was known as "the most beautiful woman in films". something is controversial(有争议的)if it causes public  disagreement. Frequency hopping means to  rapidly switch frequencies to avoid interception of messages. It was used during the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962. They were inducted into the national investors Hall of Fame in 2014She first appeared in a German film in 1930. She designed a radio guidance system for torpedoes. Her controversial film 'Ecstasy'  brought her worldwide fame as an actress.拓展资料: 必看海蒂·拉玛性感尤物《尤物:海蒂·拉玛传》 Bombshell: The Hedy Lamarr Story



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