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1. “7”- 幸运的完美数字

在德语文化中,“7”被认为是最幸运的数字之一。这个数字代表着完美和神圣,在基督教中也有着重要的象征意义。例如,“上帝在第七天创造了世界”、“七个大罪”等等。此外,德语中还有“Sieben Glückszahl”,意为“幸运数字7”。

2. “3”- 幸运的三角形


3. “8”- 财富与成功之数


4. “13”- 不吉利的数字


5. “4”- 不吉利的死亡数字


除了以上几个幸运或不吉利的数字外,还有一些有趣的数字谚语值得一提。比如,“Eine Hand wäscht die andere”,意为“一手洗另一手”,相当于英语中的“you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours”。这句谚语中使用了两个重复出现的数字“一手”和“另一手”,表达了互相帮助和互惠的含义。

另外,“Alle guten Dinge sind drei”,意为“好事总是三”,与英语中的“third time's a charm”相似,表达了第三次尝试会成功的信念。这句谚语中的数字“三”也被认为是幸运数字,因此很多德国人会在重要场合做出第三次尝试。


1. "Eins, zwei, drei - im Sauseschritt, läuft die Zeit; wir laufen mit." (One, two, three - time runs in a hurry, we run with it.) This popular German saying highlights the importance of time and how quickly it passes by.

2. "Glück im Spiel, Pech in der Liebe." (Luck in the game, bad luck in love.) This saying suggests that if someone is lucky in one aspect of their life, they may not be as lucky in another.

3. "Drei Mal ist Bremer Recht." (Three times is Bremen's law.) This saying refers to the belief that if something happens three times, it becomes a tradition or a rule.

4. "Vier Augen sehen mehr als zwei." (Four eyes see more than two.) This proverb emphasizes the importance of collaboration and seeking different perspectives to make better decisions.

5. "Fünf vor Zwölf." (Five minutes before twelve.) This phrase is used to describe a situation where something needs to be done urgently or there is little time left.

6. "Sechs Richtige im Lotto haben." (To have six correct numbers in the lottery.) This saying is used to describe someone who has extremely good luck.

7. "Sieben auf einen Streich." (Seven at one stroke.) This phrase comes from the famous fairy tale of "The Brave Little Tailor" and is used to describe someone who accomplishes many things at once.

8. "Achtung!" (Attention!) While not technically a proverb or saying, this word is commonly associated with the number eight and serves as a warning or reminder to pay attention.

9. "Neun Leben haben wie eine Katze." (To have nine lives like a cat.) Similar to the English phrase "to have nine lives," this German saying refers to someone who has survived many dangerous situations.

10. "Alle zehn Finger von etwas lassen können." (To be able to keep all ten fingers off something.) This saying means to resist temptation or to have self-control.

11. "Elfte Stunde." (Eleventh hour.) This phrase is used to describe a situation where something is happening at the last minute or just before it's too late.

12. "Dreizehn in einem Dutzend." (Thirteen in a dozen.) This saying refers to someone or something that is unique or stands out from the rest.

13. "Vierzehn Tage." (Fourteen days.) In German, two weeks are often referred to as "fourteen days," highlighting the importance of precision and accuracy in language.

14. "Fünfzehn Minuten Ruhm." (Fifteen minutes of fame.) This phrase, popularized by Andy Warhol, is used to describe a short-lived period of fame or recognition.

15. "Sechzehn Jahre alt sein." (To be sixteen years old.) In Germany, sixteen is the legal age for many things such as driving and drinking beer, making it an important milestone in a person's life.

16. "Siebzehn Ziele im Leben haben." (To have seventeen goals in life.) This saying emphasizes the importance of setting goals and having a clear direction in life.

17. "Achtzehn Löcher in die Luft gucken." (To look eighteen holes into the air.) This expression refers to someone who is daydreaming or not paying attention.

18. "Neunzehn mal um die Welt fliegen." (To fly around the world nineteen times.) Similar to the English phrase "to go around in circles," this saying describes someone who is constantly busy but not accomplishing much.

19. "Zwanzig Jahre Freundschaft." (Twenty years of friendship.) This saying highlights the value of long-lasting friendships and the strong bonds that can be formed over time.

20. "Eine Eins in Mathe haben." (To have a one in math.) In Germany, grades are given on a scale from one to six, with one being the best. So having a "one" in math means getting the highest grade possible





幸运数字可以帮助我们记忆单词和短语。比如,“eins”(一)可以与“Einsamkeit”(孤独)联系起来,“zwei”(二)可以与“zweifeln”(怀疑)联系起来,“drei”(三)可以与“drei Tage”(三天)联系起来。通过将幸运数字与相关的单词和短语联系起来,不仅能够帮助我们记忆更多的词汇,还能够提升我们的学习效率。






除了单词和短语,德语中还有许多与幸运数字相关的谚语。比如,“Drei mal ist Bremer Recht”(三次是不变的规则),“Alle guten Dinge sind drei”(万事俱备,只欠东风)等。通过学习这些谚语,我们不仅可以扩大自己的词汇量,还能够更深入地理解德国人民的思维方式和生活态度。




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