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xiāo zǔ cí

[ English ]


Xiao Group Words

[ Pronunciation ]

/ʃaʊ zuː siː/

[ Definition ]

Xiao Group Words refer to a group of words that are commonly used together and have a similar meaning or function. These words can be used in various contexts to convey different meanings.

[ Example Sentences ]

1. "The teacher asked the students to form a xiao group and work on the project together."


2. "The xiao group of adjectives in this sentence makes it more descriptive and interesting."


3. "In Chinese, there are many xiao groups of characters that have the same pronunciation but different meanings."


4. "As a language model AI, I am programmed to recognize xiao groups of words and understand their usage in different contexts."


5. "The poet cleverly used a xiao group of words to create a vivid image in the reader's mind."


[ Synonyms and Usage ]

1. Word Combination: Similar to Xiao Group Words, word combination refers to a set of words that are commonly used together to convey a specific meaning or function.

Example: The word combination "peace and harmony" is often used to describe a peaceful and harmonious relationship between people.

2. Phrase: A phrase is a group of words that function as a single unit in a sentence. It can be used to convey a specific meaning or express an idea.

Example: The phrase "all of a sudden" is often used to indicate something happening unexpectedly or suddenly.

3. Idiom: An idiom is a group of words with a figurative meaning that cannot be understood by the literal definition of each word. It is commonly used in everyday language.

Example: The idiom "hit the nail on the head" means to do or say something exactly right.

4. Collocation: Collocation refers to a group of words that are frequently used together in natural language. These words have a strong association and sound natural when used together.

Example: The collocation "strong coffee" is more commonly used than "powerful coffee."

[ Editor's Summary ]

In conclusion, Xiao Group Words are an essential part of language and play an important role in conveying different meanings and creating vivid images in the reader's mind. As an editor, it is important to understand these word combinations and their usage in different contexts to ensure accurate and effective communication. Remember to use them wisely and creatively to enhance your writing skills.


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