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Xiangtan Weather


[xiāng tán tiān qì]

Noun. The weather in Xiangtan.

Example sentences:

1. 湘潭天气晴朗,适合出门游玩。 (The weather in Xiangtan is sunny, perfect for going out and exploring.)

2. 我们今天的行程要根据湘潭的天气来安排。(Our itinerary for today will be based on the weather in Xiangtan.)

3. 湘潭的天气变化很大,一会儿是晴天,一会儿就下起了雨。(The weather in Xiangtan changes a lot, one moment it's sunny and the next it's raining.)

4. 明天湘潭的天气预报显示会有大风,记得多穿点衣服。(Tomorrow's weather forecast for Xiangtan shows strong winds, remember to wear more clothes.)

5. 湘潭的冬天天气很寒冷,记得带上厚外套和围巾。(The winter weather in Xiangtan is very cold, remember to bring a thick coat and scarf.)

Synonyms and usage:

1. 天候 (tiān hòu) - This is a more formal term for "weather" and can be used interchangeably with "湘潭天气".

2. 气象 (qì xiàng) - This refers to the study of weather and can also be used to describe the current or predicted weather conditions.

3. 风向 (fēng xiàng) - This means "wind direction" and can be used to describe the direction the wind is blowing in Xiangtan.

4. 气温 (qì wēn) - This refers to the temperature and can be used to describe the current or predicted temperature in Xiangtan.

5. 湿度 (shī dù) - This means "humidity" and can be used to describe the level of moisture in the air in Xiangtan.

Editor's note:

The weather in Xiangtan is an important aspect of daily life for its residents. It is always a good idea to check the weather forecast before making plans, as it can greatly affect your activities for the day. Whether it's sunny, rainy, or windy, knowing the weather in Xiangtan will help you prepare accordingly and make the most out of your time there.


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