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1. Jetlag is a term used to describe the physical and mental effects of traveling across multiple time zones, disrupting the body's natural sleep-wake cycle.


2. [ˈdʒetlæɡ]

3. Jetlag is typically experienced after long-distance air travel, when the body's internal clock is thrown off by the time difference between the departure and arrival locations.

4. 例句1:After flying from New York to Tokyo, I was suffering from terrible jetlag for days.


例句2:It's important to take measures to combat jetlag, such as adjusting your sleeping schedule and staying hydrated.


例句3:I always struggle with jetlag when I travel for work, but I've found that melatonin supplements help me adjust to new time zones.


例句4:Even though I followed all the tips for avoiding jetlag, I still felt exhausted and disoriented after my flight.


例句5:Jetlag can be especially challenging for athletes who have to compete in different time zones.


5. 同义词及用法:time zone change, circadian rhythm disruption, travel fatigue

6. 编辑总结:Jetlag is a common experience for travelers who cross multiple time zones, and it can cause physical and mental discomfort. Taking measures such as adjusting sleeping schedules and staying hydrated can help alleviate jetlag symptoms.


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