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The pronunciation of 斟 is /ʒēn/ or /dʒēn/.

斟 is a Chinese character, which is used to describe the action of pouring liquid into a container slowly and carefully. It can also refer to the act of considering or pondering something carefully.



1. 斟酌 (zhēn zhuó): to consider carefully; to deliberate

2. 斟满 (zhēn mǎn): to fill up; to pour full

3. 仔细斟酌 (zǐ xì zhēn zhuó): to carefully consider; to think over

4. 斟酌利弊 (zhēn zhuó lì bì): to weigh the pros and cons

5. 斟酌方案 (zhēn zhuó fāng àn): to consider options

Example Sentences:

1. 他要仔细斟酌自己的选择,不想做出错误的决定。

He wants to carefully consider his options and not make any wrong decisions.

2. 她把茶杯斟满了,然后递给了客人。

She filled up the teacup and handed it over to the guest.

3. 在做出重要决定之前,我们应该仔细斟酌利弊。

Before making an important decision, we should carefully weigh the pros and cons.

4. 我们需要认真地斟酌方案,以便做出最佳决定。

We need to carefully consider our options in order to make the best decision.

5. 这个问题需要经过长时间的斟酌,才能得出最佳解决方案。

This issue requires a lot of careful consideration before we can come up with the best solution.


1. 思考 (sī kǎo): to think; to consider

2. 考虑 (kǎo lǜ): to consider; to think over

3. 慎重 (shèn zhòng): cautious; prudent

4. 谨慎 (jǐn shèn): careful; cautious

5. 仔细 (zǐ xì): careful; attentive

Editor's Summary:

斟 is a versatile Chinese character that can be used to describe the action of pouring liquid or the act of considering something carefully. It can also be combined with other words to form phrases with similar meanings, such as 斟酌 and 仔细斟酌. When using this character, it is important to pay attention to the context in order to understand its specific meaning in a sentence. Other synonyms for 斟 include 思考, 考虑, 慎重, 谨慎, and 仔细, which can be used interchangeably depending on the situation.


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