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Parallel Lines Song


Parallel Lines is a song by the American rock band Blondie, released in 1978. The song is about the emotional distance and lack of communication between two people in a relationship, comparing their relationship to parallel lines that never intersect.


How to pronounce:

/ˈpærəˌlɛl laɪnz sɒŋ/


"Parallel Lines" is often used to describe the concept of two things that are moving or happening at the same time but never meet or intersect.

Example sentences:

1. Our relationship feels like parallel lines, always running side by side but never crossing paths.


2. They were both so busy with their own lives that they were like parallel lines, never able to come together.


3. The two characters in the movie had a love story that was like parallel lines, always close but never able to be together.


4. Their opinions on the matter were like parallel lines, never meeting or agreeing with each other.


5. The two friends drifted apart over time and their friendship became like parallel lines, distant and unconnected.


Synonyms and usage:

1. Parallel - used to describe two things that are happening or moving at the same time but never meet or intersect.

Example: The two cars were driving parallel to each other on the highway.

2. Distance - used to describe the emotional or physical space between two people or things.

Example: The distance between them grew wider as they drifted apart.

3. Communication - the exchange of information or ideas between individuals or groups.

Example: Good communication is essential for a healthy relationship.

4. Relationship - the way in which two or more people, groups, or things are connected.

Example: Their relationship was strained after the argument.

5. Intersect - to cross paths or meet at a point.

Example: The roads intersected at the traffic light.

Editor's summary:

"Parallel Lines" is a song that uses the metaphor of parallel lines to describe a relationship where there is emotional distance and lack of communication between two people. This concept can also be applied in other situations where two things are moving together but never connect, making it a versatile phrase for describing different scenarios.


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