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Online translation from Chinese to English



zěnme dú

Pronunciation: /zən mə duː/



1. To translate text from Chinese to English using an online platform.

2. To provide a translation service between Chinese and English through the internet.


1. 我经常使用中翻英在线翻来帮助我理解中文文章。

I often use online translation from Chinese to English to help me understand Chinese articles.

2. 这个网站提供高质量的中翻英在线翻服务。

This website offers high-quality online translation services from Chinese to English.

3. 他们公司的主要业务是提供中翻英在线翻服务。

Their company's main business is providing online translation services from Chinese to English.

4. 我可以通过手机上的应用程序使用中翻英在线翻功能吗?

Can I use the online translation feature from Chinese to English through a mobile app?

5. 这个可以帮助你快速准确地完成中文到英文的在线翻译。

This platform can help you quickly and accurately complete online translations from Chinese to English.


1. 在线翻译 (zàixiàn fānyì) - Online translation

2. 网络翻译 (wǎngluò fānyì) - Internet translation

3. 数字化翻译 (shùzìhuà fānyì) - Digital translation

4. 电子翻译 (diànzǐ fānyì) - Electronic translation

5. 自动翻译 (zìdòng fānyì) - Automatic translation


Online translation from Chinese to English is a convenient and efficient way to understand and communicate in both languages. It allows for quick and accurate translations through the use of online platforms or mobile apps. This service is especially helpful for those who are not fluent in both languages or need to quickly translate large amounts of text. With the advancement of technology, online translation has become increasingly reliable and accessible, making it a valuable tool for communication and understanding between different cultures.


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