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wǒ céng shì guò fàng qì nǐ, bò hé mí




1. 我曾试过放弃你,但每次看到你的笑容,我都无法抗拒。

I tried to give up on you, but every time I see your smile, I can't resist.

2. 虽然我们经历了很多挫折,但我从未后悔过《我曾试过放弃你》。

Although we have been through a lot of setbacks, I have never regretted "I tried to give up on you".

3. 他总是会在关键时刻出现,让我觉得《我曾试过放弃你》这句话再也说不出口。

He always appears at the critical moment, making me feel that "I tried to give up on you" can no longer be said.

4. 即使大家都劝我放弃,但我还是坚持着《我曾试过放弃你》这句话。

Even though everyone advised me to give up, I still cling to the words "I tried to give up on you".

5. 每次听到这首歌,我都会想起那段曾经试图放弃却又无法抗拒的感情,真的太贴切了。

Every time I listen to this song, I am reminded of that period when I tried to give up but couldn't resist my feelings, it's really so relatable.


1. 我曾想过要离开你,但最终还是选择了留下来。

I thought about leaving you, but in the end, I chose to stay.

2. 尽管我努力忘记你,但每次再见面时,我的心还是会跳个不停。

Although I try hard to forget you, my heart still races every time we meet.

3. 我本来想要放手的,但看到你的眼神后,我又改变了主意。

I was going to let go, but after seeing the look in your eyes, I changed my mind.

4. 虽然我们之间有太多矛盾和隔阂,但我的心里始终装着你。

Although there are too many conflicts and barriers between us, my heart always holds you.

5. 即使我们走在不同的道路上,我的心仍然属于你。

Even if we walk on different paths, my heart still belongs to you.




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