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1、方案一,方案二用英语表示为:Scheme one, scheme two。


2、其中Scheme意思有:策划,图谋; 计划; 体系; 阴谋; 设计,计划; 谋划,图谋; 密谋,制定计划。


Scheme one, scheme two

1. The two of them settled on a scheme.


2. Also, two unique injector types, representing departures from the conventional axial injection scheme, are also discussed.

此外, 还讨论了两种独特的喷注器型式, 这些型式不同于常规的轴向喷射方式.

3. The scheme have two step: open loop test and closed loop test.

设计方案分为两步: 开环测试和闭环测试.

4. Their scheme will be made or broken within the next two weeks.


5. To solve these two problems, supplementary medical scheme is recommended.

为解决这两个问题, 可采用补充型医疗保险方案.

6. This paper discusses the two - position detecting scheme for flexible gyro - based north seeker.


7. This paper proposes a novel two - stage control scheme of UPFC for damping tie - line low frequency oscillation.

提出了一种新颖的阻尼 联络线 低频振荡的UPFC两阶段控制方案.

8. This scheme has two types: one is computationally secure and the other is unconditionally secure.

该方案具有两种形式: 一种是计算安全的,另一种是无条件安全的.

9. Town hospital played two roles of medical health service provider and Cooperative Medical Scheme participator.


10. We also scheme out a diagram showing relationship between two stridulatory file types.


11. Based on the original scheme, a new version fast multipole BEM is presented for two - dimensional elasticity.

在初始格式的基础上, 进一步提出适用于二维弹性力学问题的新型快速多极边界元格式.

12. A integrated scheme combing the above two optimistic schemes is simulated and the results are afforded.



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