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How to pronounce: [qiǎo yán lìng sè]

Usage: 这个短语通常用来形容那些善于利用甜言蜜语和虚假表情来欺骗他人的人。


Example sentences:

1. 她总是用巧言令色来讨好老板,却暗地里挖苦同事。

She always uses sweet words and fake expressions to please the boss, but secretly mocks her colleagues.

2. 他善于用巧言令色来掩盖自己的真实意图。

He is good at using cunning words and deceptive expressions to conceal his true intentions.

3. 她被他那副巧言令色所迷惑,不知道他其实在利用她。

She was deceived by his cunning words and fake expressions, unaware that he was actually using her.

4. 他们通过巧言令色成功地说服了投资者投入大量资金。

They used cunning words and deceptive expressions to successfully persuade investors to invest a large amount of money.

5. 她的巧言令色让他相信她是真心爱他的,直到她只是为了钱才和他在一起。

Her cunning words and deceptive expressions made him believe that she truly loved him, until he discovered that she was only with him for his money.

Synonyms and usage: 花言巧语 (hūa yán qiǎo yǔ) is a similar phrase that also means using flattering words to deceive others. However, it does not specifically refer to facial expressions like 巧言令色 does. Other synonyms include 甜言蜜语 (tián yán mì yǔ), which emphasizes the sweetness of the words used, and 虚伪 (xū wěi), which means hypocritical or insincere. All of these phrases can be used in similar contexts to describe someone who uses deceitful tactics to manipulate others.

Editor's summary: 巧言令色是一种虚假的表现手段,通过精心措辞和伪装表情来欺骗他人。它可以用来形容那些善于利用甜言蜜语和虚假表情来欺骗他人的人。与之类似的短语还有花言巧语、甜言蜜语和虚伪。


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