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工商管理总局。是什么意思,读音,词组近义词 翻译

工商管理总局(Gong Shang Guan Li Zong Ju)是中负责监督和管理工商企业的部门。它的职责包括制定和实施相关法规、规章和,监督市场经济秩序,保护消费者权益,促进市场公平竞争等。工商管理总局在中具有重要的地位和作用。

读音:[gōng shāng guǎn lǐ zǒng jú]


翻译的意思:The State Administration for Industry and Commerce (SAIC) is a Chinese government agency responsible for supervising and managing business enterprises. Its duties include formulating and implementing relevant laws, regulations, and policies, monitoring market economic order, protecting consumer rights and interests, promoting fair competition in the market, etc. The SAIC plays an important role in the Chinese government.

工商管理总局。是什么意思,读音,词组近义词 翻译

怎么读(音标):gōng shāng guǎn lǐ zǒng jú



1. 工商管理总局是重要的经济管理。

The State Administration for Industry and Commerce is an important economic management agency of the Chinese government.

2. 工商管理总局将继续加强监管,促进市场公平竞争。

The State Administration for Industry and Commerce will continue to strengthen supervision and promote fair competition in the market.

3. 工商管理总局发布了一项新的,旨在保护消费者权益。

The State Administration for Industry and Commerce has issued a new policy aimed at protecting consumer rights and interests.

4. 去年,工商管理总局对多家企业进行了处罚。

Last year, the State Administration for Industry and Commerce imposed penalties on several illegal enterprises.

5. 工商管理总局的主要职责是监督和管理工商企业的经营活动。

The main responsibility of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce is to supervise and manage the business activities of enterprises.




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