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jùn xiù



1. 峻秀 (jùn xiù)

Noun, meaning steep and towering mountains.

用法 (Usage):


Jeon-su is usually used to describe steep and towering mountains, but can also refer to towering peaks or mountain ranges.

例句 (Example Sentences):

1. 那座城市被一座座峻秀的山脉包围着。(Nà zuò chéngshì bèi yī zuò jùn xiù de shānmài bāowéi zhe.)

The city is surrounded by towering mountain ranges.

2. 这条路经过一片片峻秀的高山,非常艰险。(Zhè tiáo lù jīngguò yī piàn piàn jùn xiù de gāoshān, fēicháng jiānxiǎn.)

This road passes through steep and towering mountains, it's very dangerous.

3. 我们爬上了最高的那座峻秀的山峰,俯瞰整个城市。(Wǒmen pá shàng le zuì gāo de nà zuò jùn xiù de shānfēng, fǔkàn zhěnggè chéngshì.)

We climbed up the highest towering peak and overlooked the entire city.

4. 他们在那片峻秀的山区了一种珍稀的植物。(Tāmen zài nà piàn jùn xiù de shānqū fāxiàn le yī zhǒng zhēnxī de zhíwù.)

They found a rare plant in the steep and towering mountain region.

5. 那个有着许多峻秀的山脉,吸引了众多登山爱好者。(Nà gè guójiā yǒu zhe xǔduō jùn xiù de shānmài, xīyǐn le zhòngduō dēngshān àihào zhě.)

That country has many steep and towering mountain ranges, attracting numerous mountain climbers.

同义词及用法 (Synonyms and Usage):

险峻 (xiǎnjùn) - dangerous and steep

陡峭 (dǒuqiào) - steep and abrupt

高耸 (gāosǒng) - tall and towering

编辑总结 (Editor's Summary):



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