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xiǎo xiān ròu

noun. a term used to refer to young and handsome male celebrities in China.


The term "小鲜肉" is used in colloquial Chinese, especially in the entertainment industry, to describe young and attractive male celebrities. It is often used to describe actors, singers, and models who are in their late teens or early twenties.


Example Sentences:

1. 这部电影里的男主角是一位年轻的小鲜肉,他的表演很吸引人。(The male lead in this movie is a young and handsome actor, his performance is very captivating.)

2. 这个综艺节目邀请了几位小鲜肉来参加,观众们都很期待。(This variety show has invited several young and attractive male celebrities to participate, the audience is all looking forward to it.)

3. 他是一位新晋的小鲜肉,但是已经获得了很多粉丝的喜爱。(He is a rising young and handsome celebrity, but has already gained a lot of fans' love.)

4. 这个品牌选择了一位小鲜肉作为代言人,销量大增。(This brand chose a young and attractive celebrity as its spokesperson, and sales have increased significantly.)

5. 这个时尚杂志专门拍摄了一组小鲜肉时尚大片,受到年轻读者的欢迎。(This fashion magazine specially shot a series of trendy photos featuring young and handsome celebrities, which was well received by young readers.)

Synonyms and Usage:

1. 小鲜肉 is often used interchangeably with the term "小鲜肉偶像" (xiǎo xiān ròu ǒu xiàng), which means "young and handsome idol".

2. Another similar term is "小鲜肉男神" (xiǎo xiān ròu nán shén), which means "young and handsome male god", and is often used to describe male celebrities who are extremely popular among female fans.

3. In recent years, the term "小鲜肉经济" (xiǎo xiān ròu jīng jì) has emerged, referring to the economic impact and influence of young and attractive male celebrities in the entertainment industry.

Editor's Summary:

The term "小鲜肉" has become a popular buzzword in China, especially in the entertainment industry. It not only describes young and handsome male celebrities, but also represents a cultural phenomenon where these celebrities have a significant influence on society, particularly among young people. As an editor, it is important to keep up with the latest trends and usage of this term, as well as its impact on popular culture.


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