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如火如荼(rú huǒ rú tú)中文释义为:形容事物发展迅速,热闹非凡,充满活力。

How to read: rú huǒ rú tú

Usage: 用作形容词或副词,用来形容事物的发展状态或氛围。


Example sentences:

1. The preparations for the party are going on like wildfire, everyone is busy and excited. (聚会的准备工作正在如火如荼地进行着,每个人都忙碌而兴奋。)

2. The construction of the new school building is progressing like wildfire, it will be completed ahead of schedule. (新校舍的建设进展迅速,将提前竣工。)

3. The market was bustling with people, the stalls were set up like wildfire and business was booming. (市场人声鼎沸,摊位如火如荼地摆放着,生意兴隆。)

4. The news of the sale spread like wildfire, causing a frenzy among shoppers. (促销消息迅速传播开来,引发了购物者的狂热。)

5. The dance competition was in full swing, with dancers performing like wildfire on stage. (舞蹈比赛正在如火如荼地进行着,舞者们在舞台上表现出色。)

Synonyms and usage:

1. 火爆(huǒ bào):形容气氛热闹、人群拥挤,常用于描述商场、街道等场所。

Example: The shopping mall was packed with people, the atmosphere was hot and lively. (购物中心人满为患,气氛火爆热闹。)

2. 火热(huǒ rè):形容气温高、天气炎热,也可用来形容事物发展迅速。

Example: The weather is scorching hot, it's like a fireball outside. (天气酷热异常,外面简直像个火球。)

3. 蓬勃(péng bó):形容生命力旺盛、充满活力的状态。

Example: The company is developing rapidly, showing a vigorous and thriving momentum. (公司发展迅速,呈现出蓬勃向上的势头。)

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