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外亲内疏(wài qīn nèi shū)是一种家庭关系的表述,指的是在家庭中,对外人和对内人的态度和行为上的差异。外亲指的是对外界人士,如朋友、邻居、同事等;内疏指的是对家庭成员,如父母、兄弟姐妹、配偶等。这种态度上的差异可能表现为对外人友善热情,而对家人冷漠疏离。

How to pronounce: [wài qīn nèi shū]

Usage: 外亲内疏通常用来形容一个人在社交场合表现得很友好,但在家庭中却不太关心或冷淡。


Example sentences:

1. 她在公司里总是很活泼大方,但回到家里就变得很沉默冷漠,真是典型的外亲内疏。

She is always lively and outgoing at work, but becomes silent and distant at home. She is a typical example of "outside friendly, inside distant".

2. 他虽然和同事相处得很融洽,但对自己的父母却总是冷言冷语,明显有着外亲内疏的特点。

Although he gets along well with his colleagues, he always speaks coldly to his parents, showing obvious signs of "outside friendly, inside distant".

3. 她虽然是一个有名的公众人物,但她的家人却很少出现在她的公开活动中,看来她也是个外亲内疏的人。

Although she is a famous public figure, her family rarely appears in her public activities. It seems that she is also a person with "outside friendly, inside distant" attitude.

4. 这个家庭关系模式中,父母对外人都很和善,但对孩子却总是冷漠疏离,充满了外亲内疏的氛围。

In this family relationship pattern, the parents are very friendly to outsiders, but cold and distant to their children, creating an atmosphere of "outside friendly, inside distant".

5. 他们夫妻俩在公共场合总是亲密无间,但回到家里就各忙各的,看来也有着外亲内疏的特点。

They are always affectionate in public, but busy with their own things at home. It seems that they also have the characteristics of "outside friendly, inside distant".

Synonyms and usage: 外亲内疏与“表里不一”、“两面派”、“假正经”等词语意思相近。它们都指一个人表面上表现得友好和善良,但实际上内心却有着不同的态度。与外亲内疏类似的词语还有“外热内冷”、“外柔内刚”等。

Editor's summary: 外亲内疏是一种家庭关系中常见的态度差异,指的是在社交场合表现友好,但在家庭中冷漠疏离。它与“表里不一”、“两面派”等词语意思相近,可以用来形容一个人在不同场合下的表现差异。


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