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"Fill" is a verb that means to put something into a space or container until it is full. Its pronunciation is /fɪl/. Some common phrases related to this word include "fill up," "fill in," and "fill out." Synonyms for "fill" include "load," "stuff," and "pack."




"Fill" can be used in various ways, but its main usage is to describe the action of putting something into a space or container until it reaches its maximum capacity. This can refer to physical objects such as water, food, or containers, but it can also be used figuratively to describe emotions or ideas. It can also mean to complete or add information to something that was previously incomplete.



1. Please fill the glass with water.


2. She filled the room with laughter.


3. I need you to fill out this form before you leave.


4. The students were asked to fill in the missing words on the worksheet.


5. The new manager has big shoes to fill after the retirement of the previous one.



1. Load: This word has a similar meaning as "fill," but it is often used in reference to vehicles or machines being filled with goods or passengers.

2. Stuff: This word is often used in a more casual or informal context to describe the action of filling something with a lot of things, especially when it is done quickly or carelessly.

3. Pack: This word can be used interchangeably with "fill," but it often implies that the space is being filled tightly and efficiently.


In conclusion, "fill" is a versatile verb that can be used to describe the action of putting something into a space until it reaches its maximum capacity. It can also mean to complete or add information to something. Its synonyms include "load," "stuff," and "pack." Remember to use this word carefully as it can have different connotations depending on the context.


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