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1. 在总决赛的第六场比赛中,奥尼尔和布莱恩特率领湖人队以116 (one hundred and sixteen) 意思:指在一场篮球比赛中,湖人队以116分的高分击败对手。

2. 怎么读(音标):[wʌn hʌndrəd ænd sɪksˈtiːn]


3. 用法:116可以用来表示一个数字,也可以作为一个名词来表示一支篮球队在比赛中的得分。

4. 例句1-5句且中英对照:

(1) The Lakers led by O'Neal and Bryant scored a total of 116 points in the sixth game of the finals, securing their victory.


(2) The final score was 116 to 98, with the Lakers winning by a comfortable margin.


(3) O'Neal and Bryant were unspable on the court, scoring a combined total of 116 points.


(4) The Lakers' average score in the finals was an impressive 116 points per game.


(5) The Lakers set a new record in the sixth game of the finals by scoring 116 points, the highest score ever achieved in a finals game.


5. 同义词及用法:116可以用"one hundred and sixteen"来替代,也可以用"hundred and sixteen"来简写。

6. 编辑总结:116是一个常见的数字,可以用来表示一个具体的数量或者作为一个名词来表示一支篮球队在比赛中的得分。它也可以用不同的方式书写,如"one hundred and sixteen"或者"hundred and sixteen"。在篮球比赛中,这个数字可能着一支强大的球队、一场激烈的比赛或者一次令人印象深刻的胜利。


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