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National capitalism is a economic and political system where the state owns and controls most of the means of production, and resources are allocated and prices are determined through market mechanisms. It is often combined with private enterprise and a market economy, but the state plays a significant role in economic activities.


[næʃənl ˈkæpɪtlɪzəm]




National capitalism is a complex concept that can be used to describe the economic systems of different countries. For example, China is considered a socialist country with characteristics of national capitalism, while the United States is seen as a national capitalist country with features of a free market economy.


1. 的经济发展模式被称为“市场经济”,这意味着它结合了资本主义和市场经济的特点。

China's economic development model is referred to as "socialist market economy", which means it combines features of national capitalism and a market economy.

2. 在资本主义下,可以通过和法规来干预市场,以保护利益。

Under the system of national capitalism, the state can intervene in the market through policies and regulations to protect national interests.

3. 美国被认为是一个具有高度发达的资本主义经济体系的。

The United States is seen as a country with a highly developed system of national capitalism.

4. 在过去几十年中,许多前已经转向了资本主义经济模式。

In the past few decades, many former socialist countries have shifted towards a system of national capitalism.

5. 尽管存在一些争议,但大多数人认为的成功经济发展是由于它采用了一种独特的混合型资本主义模式。

Despite some controversy, most people believe that China's successful economic growth is due to its adoption of a unique hybrid model of national capitalism.


1. 国有资本主义(state capitalism):指由和管理大部分生产资料和资源的经济。

2. 市场经济(socialist market economy):指特色下结合了计划经济和市场经济的经济。

3. (state socialism):指在经济活动中拥有重要地位,并通过计划经济来分配资源和决定价格的制度。

4. 混合经济(mixed economy):指既有私人企业又有国有企业共存的经济。

Synonyms and usage:

1. State capitalism: refers to an economic system where the government controls and manages most of the means of production and resources.

2. Socialist market economy: refers to the economic system in China which combines elements of planned economy and market economy under the framework of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

3. State socialism: refers to a socialist system where the state plays a significant role in economic activities and resources are allocated through planned economy.

4. Mixed economy: refers to an economic system where both private enterprises and state-owned enterprises coexist.




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