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囫囵吞枣(hú lún tūn zǎo)是指读书或学习时,没有地、深入地掌握知识,只是零散地、随意地吸收知识,导致知识的掌握不牢固,无法有效运用的现象。


How to pronounce: [hú lún tūn zǎo]

Usage: 囫囵吞枣通常用来形容学习不认真、不专心,只是草率地看过一遍而已。

Example sentences:

1. 他每天晚上都会囫囵吞枣地看书,所以考试成绩很差。

He reads books haphazardly every night, so his exam results are poor.

2. 她总是喜欢囫囵吞枣地学习新知识,结果很多东西都忘记了。

She always likes to learn new things haphazardly, and as a result, she forgets a lot of things.

3. 我们不能只是囫囵吞枣地学习英语单词,要多加练习才能记牢。

We can't just haphazardly learn English vocabulary, we need to practice more in order to remember them well.

4. 他的学习方法就像是囫囵吞枣一样,所以很难有进步。

His way of studying is like haphazardly eating snacks, so it's difficult for him to make progress.

5. 如果你想要学好这门课程,就不能只是囫囵吞枣地听课,要认真做笔记。

If you want to do well in this course, you can't just haphazardly listen in class, you need to take good notes.

Synonyms and usage:

1. 草率地学习 (haphazardly learning)

2. 随意吸收知识 (casually absorbing knowledge)

3. 不认真掌握 (not seriously grasping)

4. 一知半解 (superficial understanding)

5. 不学习 (not studying systematically)

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