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囚首垢面是一个汉语成语,读作qiú shǒu gòu miàn。它的意思是指人的容貌狼藉,形象不佳,也可以用来形容人的行为举止粗鲁、不文明。

How to pronounce: [qiú shǒu gòu miàn]

Usage: 通常用来形容人的外表或者行为不端正,不得体。


Example sentences:

1. 他平时囚首垢面,但是在重要场合却能表现得很得体。

He usually looks unkempt, but he can behave decently in important occasions.

2. 这个新闻主播总是囚首垢面地出现在电视上,让人看了很不舒服。

The news anchor always appears on TV with an unkempt appearance, which makes people uncomfortable.

3. 她平时看起来很斯文,但是一生气就会变成囚首垢面的样子。

She usually looks very gentle, but she becomes uncivilized when she gets angry.

4. 这位明星因为酗酒和被拍到囚首垢面地出现在公众场合。

This celebrity was photographed appearing in public with an unkempt appearance due to alcohol and drug abuse.

5. 在这个节日里,大家都会穿上漂亮的衣服,没有人想要囚首垢面地出现在聚会中。

On this holiday, everyone dresses up nicely and no one wants to appear unkempt at the gathering.

Synonyms and usage:

1. 狼藉 (láng jí): refers to a messy or chaotic state, can be used to describe both appearance and behavior.

Example: 这个人的办公桌总是狼藉不堪,找东西都找不到。

This person's desk is always in a mess, it's hard to find anything.

2. 不得体 (bù dé tǐ): refers to inappropriate or improper behavior.

Example: 他的言行举止总是不得体,让人很难接受。

His words and actions are always inappropriate, it's hard for people to accept.

3. 不文明 (bù wén míng): refers to uncivilized or rude behavior.

Example: 在公共场合大声喧哗是很不文明的行为。

Making loud noises in public places is very uncivilized behavior.

Editor's summary:



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