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响遏行云(xiǎng è xíng yún)是一个成语,意思是指声势浩大,威力强大,能够遏制住其他人的行动。它也可以用来形容某个人或者团体的影响力和实力非常强大,能够压倒其他人。


How to pronounce: [xiǎng è xíng yún]

Usage: 这个成语通常用于描述某个人或者团体的影响力和实力非常强大,能够压倒其他人。它也可以用来形容某件事物的威力和影响力。

Example Sentences:

1. 他们的像一股响遏行云般,无论是敌人还是盟友都不敢轻易挑衅。

Their army was like a powerful force that could suppress anyone, and neither enemies nor allies dared to provoke them easily.

2. 这场比赛中,他的表现简直就像一股响遏行云,让对手望而生畏。

In this game, his performance was like a powerful force that made the opponent tremble with fear.

3. 这部电影在全球范围内掀起了一股响遏行云般的热潮。

This movie has caused a huge sensation worldwide, like a powerful force that cannot be sped.

4. 她的领导能力就像一股响遏行云,让整个团队都非常服从她的指挥。

Her leadership skills are like a powerful force that makes the whole team obedient to her command.

5. 这个公司的发展速度简直就像一股响遏行云,让其他竞争对手望尘莫及。

The development speed of this company is like a powerful force that leaves other compes behind.

Synonyms and Usage:

1. 霸气十足 (bà qì shí zú): domineering and powerful, often used to describe someone with strong personality and influence.

2. 势不可挡 (shì bù kě dǎng): unspable, used to describe something with great power and cannot be resisted.

3. 威风凛凛 (wēi fēng lǐn lǐn): majestic and imposing, often used to describe someone or something with great authority and power.

4. 强势压制 (qiáng shì yā zhì): forcefully suppress, used to describe someone or something with strong power that can suppress others.

5. 无人能敌 (wú rén néng dí): unbeatable, used to describe someone or something that is superior and cannot be matched by anyone.

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