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How to pronounce: [āi mò dà yú xīn sǐ]

Usage: 这句话通常用来形容一个人对某种关系或感情的绝望和失望。

Example sentences:

1. There is nothing more heartbreaking than the death of a loved one. (没有什么比挚爱的人去世更令人心碎了。)

2. The loss of trust between friends can cause a spiritual death that is hard to recover from. (朋友间信任的破裂会导致一种难以恢复的上的死亡。)

3. In a society where materialism prevails, the death of conscience is often more tragic than physical death. (在物欲横流的社会中,良知的死亡往往比肉体死亡更加悲剧。)

4. The end of a long-term relationship can feel like the death of your heart. (一段长期关系的结束可能让你感觉心灵的死亡。)

5. The loss of a child is the ultimate heart death for any parent. (对于任何父母来说,失去孩子是最终的心灵死亡。)

Synonyms and usage:

1. 心力交瘁 [xīn lì jiāo cuì] - exhausted both physically and mentally

Usage: 在工作压力下,他已经心力交瘁了。(Under work pressure, he is already exhausted both physically and mentally.)

2. 情归何处 [qíng guī hé chù] - nowhere to turn for emotional support

Usage: 在外地工作的他,每次遇到困难都感到情归何处。(Working in a different city, he feels lost whenever he encounters difficulties.)

3. 崩溃 [jīng shén bēng kuì] - mental breakdown

Usage: 她承受了太多的压力,最后崩溃了。(She couldn't handle the pressure and had a mental breakdown.)

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