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liē /lɪ/


1. 作为动词,咧可以表示张开嘴巴,露出牙齿或者嘴唇。:


- He grinned and leered at her, his mouth leering open.(他笑着冲她做鬼脸,嘴巴张得老大。)

- The dog bared its teeth and growled at the stranger.(狗向陌生人露出牙齿并低声吼叫。)

2. 作为副词,咧可以修饰动词或形容词,表示张开、露出的状态。:

- The cat sat on the windowsill, purring contentedly with its mouth slightly ajar.(猫坐在窗台上,满足地发出呼噜声,微微张着嘴。)

- The old man smiled broadly, his mouth stretched into a wide grin.(老人笑得很开心,他的嘴巴拉成一个大大的笑容。)

3. 咧也可以用来表示某种情绪或态度的表现。:

- She was grinning from ear to ear when she won the competition.(她赢得比赛时咧得合不拢嘴。)

- The child was pouting and wouldn't s until he got what he wanted.(孩子一直咧着嘴闹脾气,直到得到了自己想要的东西。)

4. 在口语中,咧还可以用来表示某种感觉或状态的强调。:

- I was so scared that my heart was beating a mile a minute and my mouth was dry as a bone.(我害怕得心跳加快,嘴巴干得像骨头一样。)

- She was so angry that her face turned red, her eyes bulging and her mouth twisted in a sneer.(她气得脸都红了,眼睛瞪得溜圆,嘴角扭曲成一个冷笑。)


1. He couldn't s grinning when his crush walked into the room.


2. The little girl's eyes widened and she started grinning excitedly when she saw the ice cream truck.


3. The comedian's jokes had everyone in the audience grinning from ear to ear.


4. The cat lay on its back, paws in the air, grinning contentedly.


5. The old man's face lit up and he started grinning when he saw his grandchildren running towards him.



1. grin:与咧的意思相同,表示开心、满意或者坏笑的表情。

2. smile:表示微笑的表情,比较正式和礼貌。

3. smirk:表示得意或轻蔑的表情。

4. beam:表示灿烂地笑的表情。

5. simper:表示假笑或羞怯的表情。




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