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Hé chǎng


1. A traditional Chinese name meaning "bright and prosperous."

2. A person who brings light and prosperity.


Pronunciation: hé chǎng


1. Used as a given name for males.

2. Can also be used as a surname.

Example Sentences:

1. 我们公司的老板叫做和昶,他是一个非常有远见的领导者。

Translation: Our company's boss is named He Chang, he is a very visionary leader.

2. 和昶这个名字着光明和繁荣,我希望我的孩子能够成为一个和昶。

Translation: The name He Chang represents brightness and prosperity, I hope my child can become a He Chang.

3. 他的中文名字是何昌,但是他更喜欢用英文名字He Chang。

Translation: His Chinese name is He Chang, but he prefers to use the English name He Chang.

4. 和昶是我们社区的一位长者,每天早上都会带着一群小孩去公园锻炼身体。

Translation: He Chang is an elder in our community, he takes a group of children to the park every morning to exercise.

5. 春节期间,我们都会给和昶拜年祝福,因为他总是能够给我们带来好运和财富。

Translation: During the Spring Festival, we all go to wish He Chang a happy new year because he always brings us good luck and wealth.

Synonyms and Usage:

1. 昌 (chāng) - a common character in Chinese names, also means "prosperous."

2. 光明 (guāngmíng) - means "brightness" and can also be used to describe someone who is wise and knowledgeable.

3. 繁荣 (fánróng) - means "prosperity" and can be used to describe a flourishing economy or successful business.

Editor's Summary:

和昶 is a meaningful and positive name that symbolizes brightness and prosperity. It is a popular choice for parents when naming their children, as it carries good wishes for their future success. In addition to its usage as a given name, it can also be used as a surname. Other similar words like 昌, 光明, and 繁荣 can also be used in names or to describe someone who brings light and prosperity.


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