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一:告诉老默我想吃鱼了的意思是表达对吃鱼的渴望或者愿望。读音为“tóu lǎo mò wǒ xiǎng chī yú le”,词组近义词有“我想要吃鱼”、“我渴望吃鱼”。


tóu lǎo mò wǒ xiǎng chī yú le [toʊ laʊ moʊ woʊ ʃjɑŋ tʃi juː lə]





1. 告诉老默我想吃鱼了,你能带我去海边钓鱼吗?Tell Lao Mo that I want to eat fish, can you take me to the seaside for fishing?

2. 我今天看到了一家新开的海鲜店,告诉老默我想吃鱼了,我们一起去尝尝?I saw a new seafood restaurant today, tell Lao Mo that I want to eat fish, shall we go and try it together?

3. 告诉老默我想吃鱼了,我准备今晚做一道鱼香肉丝,你要来吃吗?Tell Lao Mo that I want to eat fish, I'm going to make a dish of fish-flavored shredded pork tonight, do you want to come and eat?

4. 我们已经连续几天吃肉了,告诉老默我想吃鱼了,换换口味怎么样?We have been eating meat for several days in a row, tell Lao Mo that I want to eat fish, how about changing the taste?

5. 告诉老默我想吃鱼了,明天我们去海鲜市场买些新鲜的海鱼回来做,怎么样?Tell Lao Mo that I want to eat fish, let's go to the seafood market tomorrow and buy some fresh sea fish to cook, what do you think?


1. 我渴望吃鱼(I crave for fish):强调对吃鱼的渴望和欲望。

2. 我想要吃鱼(I want to eat fish):表达对食物的需求和愿望。

3. 我想念着那道炸鱼(I am longing for that fried fish):强调对特定食物的思念和渴望。

4. 我一直在期待着吃鱼(I have been looking forward to eating fish):强调对特定活动的期待和渴望。

5. 我好想吃一条新鲜的鱼(I really want to eat a fresh fish):表达对食物新鲜度的要求和渴望。


“告诉老默我想吃鱼了”是一个常用于口语中表达对吃鱼的渴望或者愿望的句子。读音为“tóu lǎo mò wǒ xiǎng chī yú le”,词组近义词有“我想要吃鱼”、“我渴望吃鱼”。同时,还可以通过使用同义词来强调不同程度的渴望和需求。在使用时,需要根据具体情况来选择合适的表达方式,并注意语气和语境。


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