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"Full of pride, loss; humility, gain." This is a well-known ancient saying, which means: if we are always arrogant and self-important, we will suffer losses; if we can be humble and cautious, we will gain benefits. This sentence reminds us to maintain a humble attitude and not to be too confident and proud.


满招损:mǎn zhāo sǔn

谦受益:qiān shòu yì




1. 他总是自以为是,最后却满招损,谦受益。

He always thinks he is right, but in the end he realizes that full of pride leads to loss and humility brings gain.

2. 在团队合作中,我们应该相互尊重、谦虚,因为满招损,谦受益。

In team work, we should respect and be humble to each other, because full of pride leads to loss and humility brings gain.

3. 谦虚是一种美德,它能使我们避免满招损,谦受益的局面。

Humility is a virtue that can help us avoid the situation of full of pride leads to loss and humility brings gain.

4. 他的成功离不开他谦逊的态度,因为满招损,谦受益。

His success is inseparable from his humble attitude, because full of pride leads to loss and humility brings gain.

5. 孩子们应该从小就学会谦虚,因为满招损,谦受益。

Children should learn to be humble from an early age, because full of pride leads to loss and humility brings gain.


1. 满招损:自负自大、骄傲自满

2. 谦受益:谦逊、谨慎、低调




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