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The meaning of slogan is a short and powerful verbal expression that is frequently repeated in publicity, propaganda, or political movements. It is a language with strong infectiousness and influence, aiming to inspire people's emotions and actions.




读作 /ˈsloʊɡən/



Slogans are commonly used in advertisements, political movements, commercial marketing, etc. They can serve as a signature language for a brand or organization, or express certain values or ideas.


1. Our company's slogan is "Quality first, customer foremost". (我们公司的口号是“质量第一,顾客至上”。)

2. The students chanted the slogan "Education for all" during the protest. (学生们在活动中高喊着“教育普及”的口号。)

3. The new campaign has a catchy slogan that will surely attract attention. (这次新活动有一个引人注目的口号,肯定会吸引人们的注意。)

4. "Just do it" is one of the most famous slogans in the world, used by Nike. (“Just do it”是世界上最著名的口号之一,由耐克使用。)

5. The politician's slogan "Change we can believe in" resonated with many voters during the election. (家的口号“我们可以相信的改变”在中得到了很多选民的共鸣。)


1. Motto - a short statement or phrase that expresses a guiding principle or belief

2. Catchphrase - a phrase or expression that becomes popular or well-known, especially through its repeated use in a particular context

3. Tagline - a memorable phrase used in advertising to summarize the product or brand

4. Mantra - a repeated word, phrase, or sound used in meditation or as an affirmation

5. War cry - a loud shout used to encourage and motivate people during a battle or competition


口号是一种短小、有力的语言,旨在激发人们的情绪和行动。它通常被用于广告、运动、商业营销等场合,可以作为一个品牌或组织的标志性语言,也可以用来表达某种价值观或理念。除了常见的slogan外,还有许多类似的词汇可以表达类似含义,如motto、catchphrase、tagline、mantra和war cry。作为网络词典编辑翻译人员,我们需要了解并准确地解释这些词汇的含义,以帮助读者更好地理解和使用它们。同时,我们也可以通过举例和同义词的对比,让读者更加深入地了解口号的用法和意义。


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